What is HTTP?
HTTP, or the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, is the set of rules for transferring data from a computer server to a web browser. It is used to structure and deliver webpages to users when requested by their web browser. HTTP works by enabling communication between different systems, allowing them to exchange information with each other. This includes the server and the client – in this case, the user’s browser.
The protocol defines how messages are formatted and transmitted and what actions should be taken upon receipt of those messages. All communication between a web server and a web browser is done using this protocol. It consists of two parts: The first deals with how messages are formatted and transmitted, and the second deals with how that data should be processed once received. For example, when you type in a URL into your browser, it sends an HTTP request message to the server that holds that page’s content asking for it to be sent back. The server then responds with an HTTP response message containing the requested page’s content, which your browser displays on your screen.
HTTP helps create an efficient system for sharing information across multiple devices over the internet. It enables us to access websites quickly, effectively and securely using any web-enabled device anywhere in the world. Without HTTP, we would not have access to many online services, such as online shopping or streaming services like Netflix or Hulu, that rely heavily on secure data transfer through this protocol.